We have seen major changes in dentistry and the wider world in recent years, which has put a strain on us providing routine NHS care for patients. All of this has led us to reflect on what we can offer as a dental practice and how we can make best use of the resources we have available.
For many years I have been personally fully committed to providing patients with the highest level of NHS patient care, and it continues to be a pleasure to treat all of my patients.
What's changing?
Therefore, after much deliberation, I have had to make the decision to move away from the NHS and will no longer be able to see patients under NHS arrangements from the 01/04/2024. In order to assist with this, I would like to introduce the membership package for the practice.
Our patient membership plan helps you keep your teeth and gums healthy by allowing you to budget monthly for your dental care so you can attend on a basis that is right for you. Through regular examinations and hygiene appointments, we can spot issues early, potentially saving you from more invasive treatment in the future, and it is cheaper than paying-as-you-go.
For those of you with you with children, under 6 years of age will be seen for free if one or more parents/guardians sign up to the plan. For children 6 years and over there are child plans available, please speak to one of team members for details.
For those of you who do not wish to join the plan, I will still be able to offer you a full range of treatments on a private pay-as-you-go basis, however please note, you will not benefit from the discounts of treatments or other member benefits.
If you want to stay with me on this basis, please speak to a member of our team to reserve your place on my list, and book or confirm your next appointment if you do not have one already.
What happens next?
If you have an NHS appointment booked with me prior to 01/04/2024, please attend this as normal. I will be seeing you for this and any subsequent treatment you may require under the current NHS arrangements. At this appointment I would be able to discuss what I feel would be the best option for you to maintain your dental health, then you will need to decide if you want to continue with me as your dentist.
Should you wish to access another NHS dental practice, you can visit the NHS website:
to find a local dental practice, that is currently accepting patients or telephone the NHS waiting list on 0333 0063 300.
If you need help, please just ask!
If you require any more information about becoming a member of our plans, any of the changes outlined in this letter or would like to discuss the options available to you before your next appointment, our reception team will be more than happy to discuss this with you in person, or by phone on 01752 500 992.
Finally, I would like to let all my patients know that I have thoroughly enjoyed looking after you and those of you that cannot remain with me, for whatever reason, will be sadly missed but always welcome back.
Kindest regards,
Lisa Mullarkey