New Emergency Appointment Allocations Procedure
Due to the increase need for emergency appointments at the surgery the practice has decided to change the way it allocates emergency appointments on a daily basis. In an effort to help accommodate as many patients as possible.
Each day the practice allocates emergency slots spread over the morning and afternoon depending on how many dentists that are working on that day to accommodate our patient's needs.
What happens if I have an emergency?
If you have what you think is a dental emergency then contact the surgery at 8am Mon-Fri on 01752 500992.
Reception staff will answer your call as soon as possible and ask what the problem is you are experiencing to ascertain the urgency of your dental need.
You will then be triaged based on the severity of your condition.
Priority will be given to — Swollen Face
Persistent bleeding post extraction
Child in pain (< 16yrs)
Next priority will be given to- Toothache
Broken teeth causing pain or lost filling(s) causing pain
This policy applies to all patients.
If you have any queries please speak to reception or your dentist.
We always strive to provide the highest level of care for all our patients.
Any falsifying of symptoms in order to get an appointment will result in you losing your place at the practice.